The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast

Podcast #32 - Brian Kesinger Interview  

Tom and Tony sit down to gab with the very busy Brian Kesinger, Disney Story artist, Marvel comic book artist, internet art god and all around nice guy.  We interrupt his dinner during overtime on “Zootopia” to talk about how he handles it all.

The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast is presented by & sponsored by Stuart Ng Books



Direct download: TheBrianKesingerInterview.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 9:13pm PST

Podcast #32- Bringing Back 2D Animation with Don Bluth and Gary Goldman

In this Bancroft Brothers Animation podcast, the twins talk with animation legends Don Bluth and Gary Goldman about their exciting new Kickstarter to make a "Dragon’s Lair" Movie!  Can crowd-funding “Dragon” them back into animation? 

Find out more and back this great project!  Help bring back traditional 2D animation!

The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast is presented by & sponsored by Stuart Ng Books 


Direct download: DragonsLairTheDonBluthGaryGoldmanInterview.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 5:31pm PST