The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast

Podcast #28 - Getting a JOB as an Animator

In this informative podcast, the Bancroft Brothers sit down with long time friend and 2D animator turned CG animator, Ted Ty, to discuss how you actually get a job as an animator these days.

The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast is presented by and sponsored by Stuart Ng Books



Direct download: BBros20Ted20Ty20Episode20-20128kbs.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 4:27pm PST

The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast #27 - The Sergio Pablos Interview - Making Animation at Large and Small Studios.   Some have hailed Sergio Pablos as the savior of 2D animation with his new film “Klaus”.  The Bancroft Brothers dig deep to find out more about Sergio and his goals and passions.


Direct download: TheSergioPablosInterview.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 8:03pm PST