The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast

Join the Bancroft Brothers as they get to know Kris Pearn, the creative genius behind the “Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs” films as well as the new Netflix original film “The Willoughbys “!  Kris talks about the things he’s learned along the way that make him the perfect director for this unique new film!


The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast is sponsored by &

Direct download: BBpod__Kris_Pearn_Willoughby_FINAL.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 11:04pm PST

In this episode, Los Hermanos Bancroft speak with some old Disney friends – Director/ animator Aaron Blaise and Concept artist/ Art Director Armand Serrano – about working from home as an artist. Find out how our new world is making things challenging but also providing opportunities that didn’t exist before!

The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast is sponsored by &

Direct download: BBPod_-_142_Working_From_Home.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 11:26am PST