Sat, 29 July 2023
How to make a career in Anime! - In the most unexpected podcast ever- the Bancroft brothers talk anime! We got together with anime pro, Jarrett Martin, and American who has started an anime animation studio in Japan! Jarrett has some amazing information on how YOU could break into the anime animation business right now! Enjoy!
Direct download: BBPOD_How_to_make_a_career_in_Anime_mixdown.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 4:46pm PST |
Fri, 14 July 2023
Tom and Tony are still yawning from jet lag as they discuss their FIRST time going to the Annecy Animation Film Festival in France! They talk about all the things they did and the people they saw, and even some mini-reviews of some of the sneak peeks that were screened there! Lastly, they debate the topic: "What are the PROS and CONS of the Annecy Film Festival? Should you go? " Find out in this episode! |