The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast

A BONUS episode LIVE from Lightbox Expo!  Tom and Tony discuss the Future of 2D Animation with legendary artists Tomm Moore (co-founder of Cartoon Saloon known for their award winning films Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, The Breadwinner, and their newest film Wolfwalkers), Tracy Butler (2D and 3D artist who created the webcomic Lackadaisy) and Sandro Cluezo (animator on Anastasia, Fantasia 2000, Emperor's New Groove,The Princess and the Frog, etc.)  Discover the history of 2D animation in the early 2000's, where it is in the present and headed in the future!

Direct download: Future_of_2D_animation_ToApprove.mp3
Category:animation -- posted at: 12:56pm PST